Published on Mixing Messages (

Eva Saunders

Hey y'all,

I'm Eva (like eeeva) and you can contact me at

I'm excited to read everyone's intros and to see that a lot of us seem to have common interests!

I have a pretty strong artistic least I've been experimenting with the visual arts throughout my life. I take special interest in drawing, painting, printmaking, messing around with watercolor, working with a bit of clay, etc. A recent (and really still current) theme that excites me is juxtaposing or magnifying visual growth patterns (in local plants and stuff) in order to demonstrate self-similarity in an organism and or its relationship with its environment. [If this is utterly confusing and you care to know what I actually mean, ask me in class.] Basically, I started exploring the relationship between science and art but didn't really know what I was doing on the scientific end of the whole endeavor. Now I want to be conscious of what physically happens as organisms (you and me included) relate!

I'm interested in the effects of invasive species and the role that we assume in remedying that whole situation. I hope to learn about sustainable resources and alternatives to trash-producing consumerist habits. Right now I'm working away from those personal habits. Above all I want to find ways to teach people to value fellow organisms as equals so that we can truly publicly focus on conservation.

I really need any help I can get with the scientific aspect of our class. I'm rusty but oh so eager to know as much as I can about my surroundings. If you're walking with me, go ahead! ID some plants! Tell me what you know about them as we walk by. I ask that you ask me related comes more naturally to me, but I need to exercise my brain more!

I have not visited enough sites in the PNW yet. I'm from Chitcago (kidding, kinda) and I still need to explore the natural landscape as much as possible to make up for lost time in the suburbs! I want to go hiking (Olympics, Glacier NP, Olympic Nat. Forest...basically anywhere) and I want to visit some Ecovention type sites. Of course I love going to art museums too!

I love to: draw, go on forest walks alone or with a chill buddy, practice meditating outside by actively observing my immediate surroundings (lichens and dendritic branching patterns rock my world), cook and eat (sometimes vegan) food, learn how to throat sing, ride my bicycle, swim, sew, laugh, laugh, smile, laugh, etc!

Let's hang and make eco art together!

devin toan › [0]

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