ARCHIVE - Mixing Messages Group Mixing Messages Group en ARCHIVE - Week 9 Schedule November 26-30 <table border="0" align="left"><tbody><tr><td><p>Monday </p><p>11/26 </p></td><td><p>Tuesday </p><p>11/27 </p></td><td><p>Wednesday </p><p>11/28 </p></td><td><p>Thursday</p><p>11/29 </p></td><td><p>Friday</p><p>11/30 </p></td></tr><tr><td><p> Student</p><p>Independent Work </p></td><td><p> Lecture 9-12<br /></p><p>Sem II A2105 </p><p>Art and Climate </p><p>Change </p><p>How to Give a</p><p>Presentation </p></td><td><p> Seminar 9-11<br /></p><p>Longhouse Cedar</p><p>Room </p><p>Read: Selections </p><p>From Diamond,</p><p><u>Collapse </u></p><p>(see readings) </p></td><td><p>Group Project Time</p><p>9-12 </p></td></tr></tbody></table><p><a href="">read more</a></p> Mon, 26 Nov 2007 08:49:35 -0800 harrisol 483 at ARCHIVE - Library Resources <p>Sara Pedersen created a page for our class documenting resources for our group project work. The page contains numerous amounts of general Forestry and Art research. </p><p>You can find her page here. <a href="/pederses/mixing-messages-0" target="_blank"></a> </p> Tue, 16 Oct 2007 09:23:06 -0700 Andrew Jones 305 at ARCHIVE - Art volunteer oportunity <p>This event is in preperation for the October20th haunted waters of the Sound hike, that is aimed at educating kids of the importance of water quality/health in Haloween fashion. They need volunteers to help make the props for the hike. Should be fun and a great way to give service to the community! </p><p><font face="Arial" size="2">Hello Artists,</font> </p> <p><font face="Arial" size="2">Mark your calendar: On<strong> Saturday, October 13th, at 10 am,</strong> let&#39;s meet at the <span style="border-bottom: 1px dashed #0066cc; cursor: pointer">Priest Point Park</span> Rose Garden Shelter (#1) to make lovely, spooky, educational and artful props for the haunted hike, &quot;To the Bottom of the Sound.&quot;</font></p><p><a href="">read more</a></p> Ecological/Art News & Events Tue, 02 Oct 2007 17:18:44 -0700 kubang26 260 at ARCHIVE - Scientist/Artist Book <div class="detailtitle">Cruisin&#39; the Fossil Freeway: <span class="subtitle">An Epoch Tale of a Scientist and an Artist on the Ultimate 5,000-Mile Paleo Road Trip</span></div> <div class="productAttributes"> <div class="author"><span class="authorbold">Author: </span><a href="">Kirk Johnson</a> <span class="authorbold">Illustrator: </span><a href="">Ray Troll</a></div> </div> <div class="addcartdiv"> </div> <em>Cruisin&#39; the Fossil Freeway </em> follows the zany travels of a paleontologist and an artist as they drive across the American West in search of fossils.<p><a href="">read more</a></p> Ecological/Art News & Events Mon, 01 Oct 2007 18:52:01 -0700 kubang26 247 at ARCHIVE - How to Connect to Masu <p>This is a basic introduction on how to connect to the Masu server while at Evergreen. For this to work you must be using Evergreen&#39;s internet access.<br /></p><h3>Mac Instructions: </h3><ul><li>Click on the Finder icon.</li><li>Click on the &quot;<em>GO</em>&quot; tab on the top of the screen.</li><li>Then click &quot;<em>Connect to Server</em>&quot; and a window will pop-up.</li><li> In the text box, type &quot;<strong>smb://ac_computing;masu/</strong>&quot; and click &quot;<em>Connect</em>&quot; and a drop down menu will appear. </li><li>From the drop down menu select &quot;<em>Programs</em>&quot;.</li><li>Then find the &quot;<em>Mixing Messages</em>&quot; folder and locate your workspace.</li><ul><li>If don&#39;t have a folder, rename an &quot;<em>unnamed folder</em>&quot; to your name.</li></ul></ul><h3>Windows Instructions:</h3><ul><li>Click the &quot;<em>Start</em>&quot; menu.</li><li>Click on the &quot;<em>Run</em>&quot; tab and a window will pop-up.</li><li>In the text box type &quot;<strong>\\masu\programs\</strong>&quot; and click &quot;<em>OK</em>&quot;</li><li>Find the &quot;<em>Mixing Messages</em>&quot; folder and locate your workspace.</li><ul><li>If you don&#39;t have a folder rename an &quot;<em>unamed folder</em>&quot; to your name.</li></ul></ul>For complete instructions go to the Scientific Computing home page <a href=""></a> and click on the &quot;For Students&quot; link<p>Information on how to access these folders off line will be posted soon.</p> Thu, 27 Sep 2007 12:01:57 -0700 Andrew Jones 188 at ARCHIVE - Week 3 Schedule October 8-12 <table border="0" align="left"><tbody><tr><td>Monday </td><td>Tuesday </td><td> Wednesday</td><td>Thursday<br /></td><td>Friday<br /></td></tr><tr><td><p> Field Trip</p><p>Preparation </p></td><td><p>7:30 am Meet in Parking</p><p>Lot C to load vans</p><p>8:00 am</p><p>Depart on FT</p><p>to Olympics</p><p>10:30 Arrive at Quinault</p><p>Nation </p></td><td><p>FT to Hoh Rainforest</p><p>biology and art</p><p>Mapping Exercises </p></td><td><p>FT to Forks Museum</p><p>and Lumber Mill </p></td><td>no class </td></tr><tr><td> </td><td> 3:00 Depart for Forks<br /></td><td>&nbsp;</td><td><p> Between Land and </p></td></tr></tbody></table><p><a href="">read more</a></p> Mon, 24 Sep 2007 15:22:23 -0700 harrisol 31 at