Published on Models of Motion (http://www2.evergreen.edu/modelsofmotion)

Monday, Week 4

1.  Questions on Craps and Car:  Craps Pseudocode:  IOACBS (F)

2.  Getting Help:  Your process, Drew, Office Hours,Online

3.  Overview of week: Graphics,Functions, Read/Write,Can/Can't

4.  DeMorgan's Laws.. Boolean Algebra, Truth Tables,  Try it!
           not(a or b) == (not a) and (not b)
           not(a and b) == (not a) or (not b)

5.  Distributive:
                   a or (b and c) == (a or b) and (a or c)
                   linka and (b or c) == (a and b) or (a and c)

6.  Read Code:  Quiz on Monday, Oct 22

7.  Write Code:  Print all odd values in the 50s, average of all even numbers greater than 70.  User enters -1 to exit

8.  Practice:  P.  262,  #1, 5, 6, 8

9.  Practice:  input 2 numbers.  find the smallest number that both of these numbers divide into evenly-- (common denominator)

10.  Check writing code link for Week 4.  Be able to do these Mon

11.  Object Oriented Programming:  Basketball Player

12.  Event loop and GUI.   History of GUI


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