Published on Models of Motion (http://www2.evergreen.edu/modelsofmotion)

CS Homework for Week 1

1.  Read Chapters 1 and 2 of the Zelle book.  As you read, pencil in questions about the reading to ask in class.  It is very important that you enter the example code as you read.  Try it for yourself.  Verify it works.  Some examples are found on the CD with the text.  As you read, write questions about your reading in your text or separate paper.  We will cover these questons in the next class.  After you read, make sure you can find the answers to the questions at the end of the chapter.  Pencil in the answers in your text.  From time to time, review these questions, as they will be asked later in the quarter and in future examinations.

2.  Review your lecture notes.  Be sure you can answer the questions in the lecture outlines on the website for week 1.  Come prepared to answer and ask questions from the previous day's lecture

3.  Install Python and Visual Python on your home computer.  They can be found at:  www.vpython.org [1].  Verify that the installation is correct by running some of the sample programs in the examples folder.

4.  Explore the www.vpython.org [2] website.  Run the vpython tutorial found at:  http://www.vpython.org/VPython_Intro.pdf [3]

5.  Program the Form Letter assignment.  In Python, ask for Five inputs from the user.  Manupulate one of these variables.  Then use these inputs and the manipulated one in a letter you compose.  Turn in the code and 2 sample runs at your Week 2 lab.  Late programs will lose half credit, and will only be accepted until the end of the week. 

6.  Prepare for next week by reading Chapters 3 and 4

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