Published on Models of Motion (http://www2.evergreen.edu/modelsofmotion)

Thursday Week 1

1.  Give the 'Language Line' comparing transistors to English

2.  History of Computers:  Why does it matter?

3.  What are the 4 'revolutions' of computers?

4.  What makes a computer fast?

5.   Shrinking Chips

6.  Will computers continue Moore's Law?

7.  Analysis,Design,Code,Test,Maintain.. Lifecycle
     -Which is the most expensive?

8.  The Software Crisis.. What is it?  How did it happen?

9.  Object Oriented Development.. Why?

10.  Software Engineering Tools:  DFD, ERD, Flowcharts..

11.  Diagram the Programming Process:  Teaching!

12.  How does an assignment statement work?  Symbol Table

13.  History of Programming:
          -Art form
          -Structured Programming.. Goto considered Harmful
          -Programs = Algoritms + Data Structures
          -Object Oriented Programming

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