Week 2 Computers
1. Review: Generations of Computers? Evolution or Revolution? Diagram OS, What makes a compuer fast? Rich by making an OS? Make the Language Line, 6 things, Diagram Computer. QUIZ
2. Programming Process: Afternoon session. Most Important?
3. History of Computers: Art, goto, SMC, Structured Programming, GOTO considered harmful, Programs = Algorithms + Data Structures, Data Structures, OOP
4. Counters and Continuous Sum. Assignment statement:+/store
5. Read Code:1. I/0 2. Assignment 3. arrays 4. Where to go next?
6. Practice!!
7. Data Types: Why? Why ints, float, long
8. integer operations: % max size
9. float operations: p57 Type conversions
10. How does a computer store values?
11. Binary to base 10 and back
12. Binary addition
13. transistors and gates