http://www.chbooks.com/archives/online_books/eunoia/text.html - Bok, EUNOIA

http://www.chbooks.com/archives/online_books/carnival/index.html - McCaffrey, Carnival

http://english.utah.edu/eclipse/projects/CORNER/corner.html - Darrah, On the Corner to Off the Corner

http://www.beardofbees.com/manifesto.html - Beard of Bees, Manifesto

Raymond Queneau: "The Foundations of Literature," from Oulipo Laboratory

Ben Marcus: "Why Experimental Fiction Threatens to Destroy Publishing, Jonathan Franzen, and Life as We Know It"

Curtis White: "I am Artist; I make Beautiful Things," & "Marcuse and the Postmodern" from Monstrous Possibility: An Invitation to Literary Politics