First Essay Notes and Resources

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[edit] The Use of Monsters

Women & Monsters—>[[1]]

Monsters, Feminine, Abjection [[2]]

"A Derridean Approach to Reading" [[3]]

Peter Krapp's Essay 'prepare yourself to experience the future and welcome the monster' [[4]]

[edit] Reflections of Theory

An interesting review of Gass by Donaghue: [[5]]

A few nice theory links, general ideas: [[6]]

A pretty good first stop on the web for our authors and many other like them: [[7]]

'Beckett's Tattered Syntax' by Ann Banfield [[8]]

"'The Rupture of Vertigo.' Beckett's Turning Point" by Paul Lawley [[9]]

'Narrative Discourse in Calvino: Praxis or Poiesis?' by Teresa de Lauretis [[10]]

'Calvino and the Value of Literature' by Lucia Re [[11]]

'Unlikely Modernism, Unlikely Postmoderism: Stein's Tender Buttons' by Nicola Pitchford [[12]]

[edit] Mo-Pomo Transitions

Really annoying colors, but copy and change it to black and it's a readble account of Modernism and Postmodernism: [[13]]

Another overview, in outline form! [[14]]

Links to Postmodern "Thinkers" [[15]]

Extensive Breakdown of Mo-PoMo differences [[16]]

[edit] JStor Login

Here is a link to the JStor Evergreen Log-In Page if you're having issues finding the above JStor links, just search for their titles [[17]]