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[edit] What is 'Pataphysics?

'Pataphysics, or the "science of imaginary solution," was founded by Alfred Jarry (1873-1907) as a nonsensical refutation of modern science. Jarry, who was known for donning a cyclist's uniform and catching his meals out of the Seine, stated that "'Pataphysics is to metaphysics what metaphysics is to physics." All events bring up a multitude of possible causes and possible effects, the cause and effect chosen in one event are arbitrary, all possibilities are in a sense equal. All causes and effects, all absurd and highly scientific possibilities have a probable chance of occurring. According to 'Pataphysics, "Everything is what you can get away with."

[edit] Relationship to The Theatre of the Absurd

Alfred Jarry as a writer, dramatist, and critic his influence extended across many fields including The Theatre of the Absurd, which established an unconventional kinship between comedy and tragedy. Its rejection of theatrical conventions resulted in the audience discomfort because their expectations have not been met.

"Absurd originally means 'out of harmony,' in a musical context. Hence its dictionary definition: 'out of harmony with reason or propriety; incongruous, unreasonable, illogical.' In common usage in the English-speaking world, 'absurd' may simply mean 'ridiculous.'" (Manuel L.Grossman "Alfred Jarry and the Theatre of the Absurd")

Alfred Jarry's most acclaimed work is "Ubu Roi," whom Jarry called "The Santa Claus of the Atomic Age".

[edit] Praise & Influence

Antonin Artaud [1] Jean Baudrillard [2] Link to Baudrillard's seminal essay on 'Pataphysics [3] Oulipo[4] Marcel Duchamp[5]

"In the Mercure de France Apollinaire hailed the first edition of Exploits and Opinions of Doctor Faustroll, Pataphysician: 'It is the most important publication of 1911.' In 1923 the surrealist, Phillipe Soupault, prefaced the second edition by insisting on its undiminished importance and affirming the genius of both Jarry's life and his writings." (Selected Works of Alfred Jarry)

[edit] References

Article on The Theatre of the Absurd [6] Selected Works of Alfred Jarry An Unrecognized Precursor to Heidegger: Alfred Jarry [7] Baudrillard's essay on 'Pataphysics[8]