Published on Perception, Mind and Reality (http://www2.evergreen.edu/pmr)

What We Believe is True


Everything sacred in this world has to do with the connections we feel between ourselves and every other living thing. I find my spirituality in these connections because I do not believe in any transcendent being. Because we are connected to everything else, we can influence every being, thing and event in our lives. No future is determined. We are not victims of fate. We can change anything.

Both belief and action are required to change something, though. We can change something for ourselves by thinking about it, because what we think will happen becomes a reality for us. However, to change something in the way we relate to other people or things, we must think AND act to make a difference. There is no objective reality because we all perceive it through of our beliefs. No life form can see reality through an objective point of view because everything has beliefs, so although there must be some collective reality that allows us to interact and form connections with one another, we cannot know what it is like.

We are all connected to each other, but are also individuals. If we were all facets of one collective soul there would be no point to us having separate physical bodies. When our bodies die, the connections we made in life stay alive. I suppose I consider these connections to be some kind of soul. I don’t believe in an afterlife or a transcendent being. I don’t believe in any kind of heaven, and I don’t believe in souls lingering in this world or being reincarnated. I think we’re in this world, not to prove ourselves for some other reality, but to be here, and we should experience this life to the fullest and not wait for something better.

I believe in epigenetics. I think we can influence our genes through our thoughts and environment, but I do think there is a limit to that, because our genes influence the way our brain is composed, and our brain structure limits the amount of control we can have over our thoughts and therefore over our DNA.

We are only living in one level of reality. I do not believe in parallel universes but I think that there are other realities of this universe such as at the atomic level and the cosmic level that we cannot access. Therefore, maybe there is other life in the universe that we can’t find because it’s on one of the other levels of reality.

There may be no point to life, but I can’t contemplate being here for no reason so I created my own purpose. Maybe we all have to figure out our own purposes. The point of life for me is to enjoy our time here, and the main way I enjoy life is through the connections I have with people, which leads me to think that spirituality lies in the connections among life-forms, whether this is between our souls, physical bodies, minds, or something else. I find my spirituality in the invisible connections between all visible things.

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