Published on Perception, Mind and Reality (http://www2.evergreen.edu/pmr)

My Beliefs Now


My beliefs now are radically different than how they used to be. My grandfather is a Baptist preacher and he had a strong influence on my beliefs as a young child. Growing up I believed that if you believed in Jesus you went to heaven and those who didn't went to hell. As I became a teenager I started to ask more questions about “religion” in general and also started to doubt the idea of a imminent god, a heaven, a hell, and even an afterlife. In all aspects I basically became an atheist, I believed in nothing supernatural, no existence of any “soul”, and in no real universal connection in a stagnant world in which all living things would eventually come to die.

This was around freshman year in high school, and the world I had come to accept seemed boringly Newtonian. One of my teachers took notice of this, and apparently he found it sort of interesting, and thought he could improve my view. He told me there was more to the world than a boring birth-death cycle, and that I should take his astronomy class. Looking back it was just as much an astronomy class as it was a cosmology class, since he explored not only the physics that govern the cosmos and the quantum world, but he also introduced me to “M-theory”. I became fascinated with the idea of “probability clouds” and the idea that if all the atoms aligned up with something perfectly an object could pass through another object. I also liked how in “M-theory” everything in the universe is made up of vibrating energy strings. He also talked about the death of the universe, and how there are several different possible fates for the end of the universe, all depending upon what shape the universe actually is. Learning about the probabilistic nature of reality again in PMR has helped me cement some of my own beliefs while opening me up to some completely new beliefs in the process.

Although life is fairly common on earth I believe that it is a fairly uncommon in the universe as a whole. So naturally as anything in abundance I think it has a tendency to be taken advantage of. I think that more needs to be done in life to help life on this planet and others. I believe we need to acknowledge that we are an intelligent species we have a duty as an intelligent species to improve the quality of life for everything living. I also believe that we have a duty after we tax our planet's resources to find a way to rejuvenate our planet or to get off.

I don't exactly know where I'm going in life, but there are many things that I would like to do. I believe that I am happy now, and I want to try to put out the best effort I can in life to make sure that I maintain a happy and loving relationship with myself, my family and my friends. I know that I don't need material to live a satisfying life, but at the same time, I hope to acquire a job that will allow me to do some of the other things that I love or have dreamed of doing. I believe we create our own reality in many different ways, but as a collective we create things like government and organized religion. Neither of which truly exist without the human element. Things like this fascinate me to some degree and I would like to eventually take some classes on government, perhaps maybe a law or intern course. I figure that since we cannot just “will” things like the government away it's probably best to understand them if for no other reason than to “know your enemy”. But I also believe that through government you can actually help people in need and also help find cures for many of this planet's current and future issues.

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