Published on Perception, Mind and Reality (http://www2.evergreen.edu/pmr)

My Personal Beliefs


My personal beliefs concerning religion are, for the most part, spiritual in nature. I dislike organized religion because I feel that it is too rigid. Each person should be able to find their own ideas concerning things of a metaphysical nature. I was raised by parents who felt that it was important for me to determine what I believed for myself.

My parents are loosely Buddhist and observe ancestor worshipping rituals. The most prominent are rituals are based around the new and full moon. On those days either fruit or sweets are laid out for the spirits of the departed, Buddha, and the spirits of the earth and sky. On special occasions it is customary to visit the grave of the individual. Dishes are laid out for the spirits to feast on. Gifts are also given to the departed in the form of fake gold, silver, money, and cloth. By burning these gifts, the departed receives them and in turn, the wealth will be returned to you.

I think it is important to remember the dead and these rituals are excellent ways to do so. I strongly believe that my grandfather is watching over me. I am sure he is walking alongside me as I search for my own path through life. I believe that through prayer it is possible to reach him and that they are listening. My incredible fortune in life can be partially attributed to my grandfather’s hand guiding me through life.

Since childhood I have been praying to my grandfather, who died when I was two years old. My father was the favorite child of his parents. When it came time for my birth, my grandfather arranged for a high ranking monk to bless me and give me my Chinese name. My other cousins were given their names and blessings by whatever monks were available. I think that my grandfather’s personal favor has extended into the afterlife and he is personally taking an interest in my life.

By extension, I believe that there is an afterlife. I believe that the afterlife is spent protecting those that have descended from you first and foremost. The spirits of the departed can influence the material world and make life easier by preventing accidents or by providing good fortune. In return, the living should honor the dead and must always remember their roots. The people who forget where they come from will have a much harder time succeeding in life; they will have to make their way without the blessings of those that have come before them. In addition, any act that could be considered dishonorable would shame one’s ancestors. I would definitely consider this a bad thing because while spirits can influence fate positively, it can very easily flow in the other direction. That is why I take great care to respect my elders and to help them in any way I can. In this way I am both dutiful and protecting myself from any possible bad spiritual influence in the future.   

My personal beliefs may seem ludicrous to some. These are beliefs that I have only recently been able to put to words because I had never thought of them before. I only began to truly realize what it is I believe about a little over a month ago. I feel that my family is a major factor in shaping my beliefs; however it was not something that they consciously shaped. If anything, they attempted to avoid the discussion and allowed me to decide on my own ideas about my beliefs. That is something I am grateful for.

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