Published on Poetry New York (http://www2.evergreen.edu/poetryny)

The Nuyorican Poets Cafe--Camila Martin


The scene at the Nuyorican Poets Café was a loud passionate burst of energy pumped in your face. The words flowed so smoothly like harsh perfect punches to one’s chest. Moving from one line to the next, one needs to recover quickly in order to digest the next soulful line that speaks to your heart, mind, and spirit. Themes circled around love, betrayal, lies, death, neighborhoods, and the other human interactions that impact one’s life. The audience was enthusiastic encouraged by the supportive MC Jive Poetic giving props to all the poets.

            The rhythm of the performances were entrancing and though the performances were three minutes, they still managed to give goose bumps, cause uproars of laughter, and provoke the audience to groan in agreement at whatever the topic may be. It was an amazing night full of extremely talented people in their own style and craft with words, all able to fold and intertwine the words in unique ways. The blur of the performances mix together resulting in a memory of one jam packed expressive evening. 

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