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Gratitude Sharing

By John L
Created 02/19/2008 - 6:28pm

As I examined my list of the many people in my life I am grateful for, one special person kept creeping back into my mind. He has been my greatest friend for the past ten years. I have not included the letter as some of the content would violate his anonymity and confidentiality as we are both members of Alcoholics Anonymous. For me the experience of writing this letter gave me the opportunity to re-examine the wonderful journey we have shared over this past decade as we walked the road of recovery together. He was the best man at my wedding and I was the best man at his wedding and we are both still married, to the same wives.


When I called him to ask if he wanted to have lunch, the answer was yes. This is characteristic as he has never turned me down. At the restaurant I made certain we had an area of some privacy because it would not have been fair to illicit his emotions in front of too many strangers. As I recounted my appreciation of such a wonderful relationship I believe we both experienced some “flow”. It was as if there was a bubble around us and time stood still. He was somewhat blown away and asked why I was doing this and that he knew how I felt about our relationship and he also placed the same value on our bond. I explained a little about positive psychology and the exercise. One thing became apparent to me which I shared with him and he heartily agreed. The fact that we know or assume we know the value of friendships or gratitude does not compare with the act of sharing it one on one in writing. Thanks for the assignment it has increased an already awesome friendship.

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