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"A Beautiful Day"

By Lacey
Created 02/27/2008 - 7:13pm

Lacey  Graves


Activity 4 “A Beautiful Day”

1.       Help boyfriend’s mother watch grandchildren on the farm

2.       Relax

3.       Homework

4.       Clean house

5.       Watch boyfriends pool tournament          

This might seem life a strange list of things that one would do in a Beautiful day. I have a lot of responsibility so even my beautiful day requires activities that may seem less than beautiful, but I love my life and find beauty in my daily routine.

                On Monday I stayed the night with my partner on his parent’s farm so that I could begin my beautiful day on Tuesday (but Monday had its beauties as well). My boyfriend, his older brother and their father were working on the septic system at the house all Tuesday morning and into the afternoon.  I helped his mother look after the three grandchildren, 10 mo., 3 and 4 years. His mother and I had a nice, fairly relaxed few hours to talk about her son and out relationship together.  I also got to see a baby calf just a couple hours after birth (for the first time).  At one o’clock I drove back to my house, ½ hour away and took a nice hot bath to think about and enjoy the morning I had just shared with his family.

                I had planned to get homework done, which might not seem like a “beautiful day” activity, but it makes me feel great when I have spent at least some time in a day accomplishing steps toward my long term career goal. I was able to get some only a small amount of homework because my daughter was sick with bronchitis and an infection in both ears. I spent time comforting her and trying to make her feel better. 

                When I got to time to clean, which yes…I do enjoy and even look forward to each day because it is relaxing and appreciated by others in the house. After about half of the cleaning was done, my boyfriend surprised me at the house and we had a wonderful talk about parenting (a way overdue discussion that was productive and went very well).  After the talk he took me to dinner.

                Next I watched him play in his pool tournament; I love watching him play because she is really good and enjoys competing in the tournaments. It feels good to me to support him in something that makes his life more enjoyable. I also ran into a couple of friends at the bar whom I haven’t seen in a month or so, so it was very nice to visit with them.

                Though I got done most of what I had planned, I think some of the most beautiful happenings of the day were the unexpected encounters and conversations. Several uncomfortable issues were approached yesterday (my beautiful day) in conversations and they were all handled comfortably with respect and ended with mutual understanding.  I honestly do not believe that I have ever expressed how I was feeling on an emotional issue and have been so understood…that to me was the best part of the day.


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