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Delwin's EMP experience

By Delwin
Created 03/02/2008 - 9:19am

I have been looking forward to the EMP field trip all quarter. I had never been there before and was excited about going. I got to campus at 8 I like to read before class. It was a beautiful day the Gods were smiling on us for sure. The one adversity for me was “the assignment” darn could have put that on my list oh well. At Marks instigation ( he stated that he had started) I and a couple of others joined him.

As the class gathered it appeared everyone was in good spirits. Not really to surprising as this class is one of the most out going classes I have been in. This could be because many if not all of us have taken other classes together. It may also be the nature of the class or it could be a testament to the thought Mark put into deciding who he would sign-up for the class. I was reminded that we are fairly diverse group in terms of age, backgrounds, and aspirations.

The ride to Seattle was a combination of conversation, laughter, music from Mark &Brandon’s I-pods and the view. I never seem to tire of Mount Rainer or the Cascades and Olympic mountains. The van was comfortable and Julie’s driving was excellent.

In Seattle as we gathered again I noticed the camaraderie that is our class. I am looking forward to seeing the group picture taken on the steps inside EMP. After our orientation wandered looking at the exhibits here and there I would see small groups from class all appeared to be having a good time. I spent the most time in the history of the guitar fascinating to say the least. In this exhibit there was a film montage of people playing the guitar from Chet Atkins to Eric Clapton country, blues, rock, classical you name it was there. Here John and I struck up a conversation and we started to wander together. We went to the sound lab John opted for the guitar I the drums. We saw a number of our classmates trying out different instruments. I had as much or more fun watching as playing. John as it turns out is a pretty good hand on the guitar. From there it was on to the little theater where we watched the Jimi Hendrix work his magic WOW! I was lucky to have gotten to see him live his last time in Seattle. Coming out of the theater we came across Adam, Walter waiting for Sue. We joined them and walked down to Buca di Beppo for lunch. We got a table next to the 12 of our classmates who had already went down. The food was excellent served family style. Just relaxing over lunch and getting to know people better was the high point of the trip for me. After returning it was time to leave. There is still much of the EMP that I did not get to see. I did not see any of the science fiction part. Well that will have to be another trip I one I would like to take with my grandson. The ride home was much more subdued than the ride up. As for the assignment it encouraged me to take notice of how people strive to have optimal experiences. All day long I was aware of people taking time to enjoy each other and their environment. My favorite story of the day goes to Jill and her nephew reuniting with his father after many years of separation. As it turns out you can find elements of positive psychology everywhere if you look. I would like to thank Mark and the whole class for making this such a great day and quarter for that matter one I am not likely to forget any time soon.

Thank you.





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