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By Jeremy H.
Created 03/04/2008 - 7:27pm


The Experience  

            I really enjoyed our time at the EMP. From start to finish, it was a good day. Although it was only one of many days, it was a day that I made a conscious effort to be positive. And though I consider myself a rather positive person to begin with, I’m sure that it’s that self-deception and misperceived self of mine exaggerating reality yet again.  However, on the day of the field trip, I actively tried to make the day as positive and fun as possible.

            The interesting part is that it started before the trip even began. Upon the completion of my usual morning walk with my puppy Cooper, I was surprised to find a stray dog on my front porch. Having never been faced with this dilemma before, I wasn’t sure what to do. I checked her tags and found out that her name was Sadie. After calling the number on her collar three times, a grumpy, just awakened voice answered. Needless to say, this initially annoyed woman was pleased to know that I stumbled across her dog that she didn’t even know had escaped.

            This little dog experience reminded me of how important the minute particulars really are. Something as simple as picking up the phone can change the events of someone’s entire day. I took the lesson of my lost puppy adventure with me as we left for the EMP.

            Throughout the day, I tried to do the little things. I opened doors for people, said please and thank you, let people go before me, and listened a little more than I spoke. I was pleasantly surprised at the authentically appreciative tone of people from these very small acts. It was a wonderful reminder of how the little things really do make a difference.

            Maybe the “best” part of the day for me was going to lunch with my fellow classmates. I had a very good time spending lunch and talking with people that I otherwise wouldn’t do that with. We’re in a class of only 25, but how often do we really sit down and get to know each other? We probably spent two hours eating Italian food, drinking booze (some of us anyway), and eating plenty of dessert. There was something about sitting down in front of good food and good company that made the day that much better. I’m very thankful for all of the events and good times that I had throughout the day. When it was all over I could genuinely say, “Today was a good day”.

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