Published on Practice of Travel Writing (http://www2.evergreen.edu/potw)

Course Description

By Char Simons
Created 2007-08-28 13:43
Reporting and writing on an international or cross-cultural travel experience presents specific challenges and rewards, and calls for specific skills. In this writing-intensive course, we will examine the principles, components and critiques of travel writing, and practice giving shape and focus to a significant travel experience of our own. A written project proposal is due prior to the first week of the quarter. The class will meet at the beginning of the quarter for a hand's on orientation and seminar, and at the end of the quarter for formal readings of student writings. The rest of the course will be conducted online, working on a regular basis via Web-X with faculty and in small groups to seminar on common texts and peer edit each other's writing. The course is appropriate for students who want to deepen their international or cross-cultural travel experience, including those on study abroad programs or independent learning contracts.

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