Published on SOS: Visual Arts (http://www2.evergreen.edu/sosvisualarts)

Week 9: Why Make Art Now?

1. Our Students Need the City (absolutely important!), from Conversations at the End of Time, Suzi Gablik

From Air Guitar , by Dave Hickey:
2. Air Guitar
3. Birth of the Big Beautiful Art Market
4. Romancing the Looky-Loos
5. Unbreak My Heart, an Overture
6. Frivolity and Unction

7. Hamza Walker article, very short
8. Alternative Spaces

For Further Reading:
What is Art For? from Conversations at the End of Time
Kara Walker, from the New York Times (the exhibition is up right now)
A Year in Art Collecting is for reference, or additional reading. It's mostly notes.
AirGuitar.pdf [1]1.66 MB
walkerhamza_uchicagomag0805.pdf [2]2.98 MB
nytimes.com_Kara Walker.pdf [3]24.73 KB
stuckey-01-a_year_in_art_collecting.pdf [4]531.07 KB
alternative_spaces_CHI.pdf [5]1.33 MB

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