Published on World Literature (http://www2.evergreen.edu/worldlit)


My final project will be a curriculum that falls within a framework of popular education. I will use this model in order to create an accessible framework both for prospective participants in the workshop, but also for prospective facilitators. My area of focus is the impact of war and occupation on young people (I hope to narrow my focus to either Iraq, Palestine, or Afghanistan). I would like to use young adult literature or media that is created by, geared towards, or focused on young adults and teens. I would love to source writings “by and for” Middle Eastern youth. This may include using atypical sources like zines, blogs, and websites, and resources or media created by NGOs working in these occupied countries. I plan to focus on the current face of war and occupation in these countries. However I will include historical information to provide context and understanding. This may take the shape of a brief essay, a timeline, or recommended video, documentary. I will also provide maps, and graphs in order to deepen the curriculums ability to inform a young audience. In addition I plan to incorporate visual art and media, and maybe even music. I will use writing, reading, and interactive exercises to provide an engaging curriculum.



I think I may change my focus. I would like to create an annotated bibliography on LGBT Muslims. I am interested in finding academic, autobiographical, fiction and, and poetry written by/for (i would like to avoid outsider or nonlgbt muslim authors) LGBT muslims. In the 70s and early 80s British and American gay publishig houses released a small number of male homoerotic Moorish and Persian poetry translated into english. I am interested in how these text were presented (i.e introductions, images, citations) at the time of publishing. Id like to seek modern poetry ( written in the 20th, or 21st century) by queer muslim. I would also like to source texts that offer a critique of the western queer medias (magazines, books, film) presentation of LGBT Muslims and issues they face both in the U.S and in the middle east and Europe maybe as well. In addition Id like to source text of Palestinian LGBT, including publications from NGOs.

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