Readings, Weeks 4 and 5

For those of you who are reading ahead in Amish Society for Week 5,
the required reading for seminar will be Parts 1 and 2. Parts 3 and 4 are
fascinating, too, but in light of the book's length and your need to complete
project preparations, we'll focus on the first half of the study...  For
Week 4's readings in The Moral Commonwealth, remember that we'll
examine Chs. 1, 13, and 14 (not in their entirety, but the parts specified in
the syllabus) on Tuesday, and Chs. 9, 10, and 11 (ditto) on Friday. For Tuesday
we encourage you to look again at Ch. 7, which we read in the fall: the
concepts of core and segmental participation, in particular, are central to
Selznick's approach to community. (If you need to find the file again, click on the "Fall Moodle Site" link on the left side of the Student Work page.)...  Also, don't forget to read Geertz's
"Thick Description" for class this Wednesday, and to bring your
journal entries based on Friday's fieldtrip.