Week 4 Schedule


Use this website:  http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/614/01/

Your annotations should include a one-sentence summary, an ASSESSMENT and a REFLECTION of each entry.  This will make sense to you after you read the description of the annotated bibliography.

You can also use this online writing lab at Purdue to answer questions about MLA and APA style guides including in-text citations and more.

Check it out!

THE wiki page to help you in your research (thank you Jules Unsel):


Several students have asked about where to find the Koppelman reading. WE ARE NOT USING IT, SO DON'T SPEND ANY MORE TIME WORRYING ABOUT IT!

READ before Monday seminar:
Popenoe’s Feeding Desire prologue and chs. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5
Koppelman’s “How to Read a Text” (required; available on website.  Bring printed copy to peer learning group meeting)

READ before Thursday seminar:
Popenoe’s Feeding Desire chs. 6, 7, 8, and 9


Mon, Oct. 20 Weds, Oct. 22 Thurs, Oct. 23

Have your general topic narrowed down by this morning.

Cynthia and Eric’s seminars meet
in GC2 Solarium for a library research workshop. 

Stacey and Toska’s seminars begin in LH3 for
“Beginning Your Inquiry” workshop

10:45-11:45 - switch

9:30: lecture/focused reading on Popenoe 9:30: seminar

DUE (9:30): seminar ticket

 11:45-1:15: peer learning group meetings --
Peer review of  integrative essay draft

 11:00: integrative discussion of section 1 topic
(“How is the body socially constructed?”)

DUE (11:00): integrative essay #1

 1:30: seminar    
1:30: movement lab