Week 10 Schedule

WOW!  It's our last week - Things have shifted a bit so read on...

Monday's class time and location is different than usual, so look closely at the schedule below. Notice also that some of the original deadlines have been changed.

The seminar ticket for Monday is to bring one text-based question from the readings (a question that integrates the two readings is best) and one from the NPR story (a total of TWO questions). 

READ before Monday seminar:

Feinberg, Leslie.  2003.  "Transgender Warriors: Making History."  Pgs. 272-279 in Heasley, Robert and Betsy Crane (eds.) Sexual Lives.  (required; available on website.  Bring printed copy to seminar)

Wright, Kai.  2003.  "To be Poor and Transgender."  Pgs. 339-344 in Heasley, Robert and Betsy Crane (eds.) Sexual Lives. (required; available on website.  Bring printed copy to seminar)

The readings are posted on Ares under the title "Sexual Lives."  

LISTEN to the following NPR stories BEFORE Monday seminar:

"Two Families Grapple with Sons' Gender Preferences," by Alix Spiegel, at


"Parents Consider Treatment to Delay Son's Puberty," by Alix Spiegel, at


Your in-class final exam will be Wednesday morning (after you turn in your portfolios to our offices).  You can expect 2 questions covering the material since your integration paper (ie. one from the 2nd program theme and one from the 3rd program theme).  You may not use any class notes or texts, but you may bring one 4x6 card with you on which you can organize a set of notes.

For those of you that didn't get a copy of the yoga articles by Judith Lassater, they are posted under downloadable files entitled "Cultivate Your Connections."
Please free-write for about 5 minutes about your experience of picking one yama or niyama and sticking with it for a week.  Bring this to yoga on Thursday.

Several of you have asked what should be in your portfolio.  The best way to figure that out is to go through our schedule, week by week, and make sure every assignment is in a clearly marked section of a three-ring binder (or something similar).  Additionally, you should include all your notes and handouts, also in their respective, appropriate sections.


Mon, Dec. 8 Weds, Dec. 10 Thurs, Dec. 11

9:30- 12:30 - Figurine workshop
in Sem2 E4115

Bring your figurine from
on Thursday and your materials,
including your photo.  

9:30 - final exam

followed by peer review of

DUE:  draft of self-evaluation -
one copy for each member of
your peer group

9:30: seminar

Final integrative seminar.  Bring all
this quarter's readings


1:30: seminar

DUE:  Seminar Ticket


1:30 - movement lab

yoga nidra

Yoga homework discussion:  yamas and niyamas

and final peer review wrap-up.  

DUE:  TWO typed copies of each peer
evaluation you have written.