This is a BIG week as your ENTIRE rough draft is due. Please read the schedule carefully, noting that there are many things on this web site that aren't on the hard-copy syllabus.
READ before Monday seminar:
1. Arnold, David. 1988. “Touching the Body: Perspectives on the Indian Plague.” In Selected
Subaltern Studies, Ranajit Guha and Gayatri Spivak, eds. (required; available on Ares online. Bring printed copy to seminar)
2. Anderson, Warwick. 1995. Excremental Colonialism: Public Health and the Poetics of
Pollution. Critical Inquiry 21: 640-669. (required; available on Ares online. Bring printed copy to seminar)
3. Corbin, Alain. 1988. “The Stench of the Poor” in The Foul and the Fragrant: Odor and
the French Social Imagination (required; available on Ares online. Bring printed
copy to seminar)
READ before Thursday seminar:
1. Sander Gilman, "The Jewish Foot: A Foot-Note to the Jewish Body," in The Jew's Body,
38-59 (required; available on Ares online. Bring printed copy to seminar)
2. Dagmar Herzog, "Sex and the Third Reich," in Sex After Fascism: Memory and Morality
in Twentieth-Century Germany, 10-63 (required; available on Ares online. Bring
printed copy to seminar)
3. Michael Burleigh and Woldgang Wippermann, "The Persecution of Sinti and Roma and
other Ethnic Minorities," in The Racial State: Germany, 1933-1945, 113-135.
(required; available on Ares online. Bring printed copy to seminar)
Mon, Feb. 9 | Tues, Feb 10 | Weds, Feb. 11 | Thurs, Feb. 12 |
9:30: colonialism, hygiene, and the body |
9:30: fascism and Nazi propaganda; peer learning ethical debates practice DUE to peers: annotated bibliography Note: There will not be a fieldwork |
9:30: seminar DUE (9:30): seminar ticket (a quiz) AND Make sure to include: |
11:45-1:15: peer learning group meetings - work on ethcial debates |
1:30-3:00 |
11:00 - Designing Posters - a session |
1:30: seminar DUE (1:30): Physical details of Body |
1:30 - movement lab Stillness with SVS |