Requirements for the Master in Teaching Project

A master in teaching program is expected to provide students with a significant experience in the process of research.  Therefore, all Evergreen Master in Teaching students are required to complete a Master in Teaching Project.  The project selected requires pre-approval by the faculty and must meet graduate level expectations as determined by the faculty.

The Master in Teaching Project must include a critical review of the literature related to the faculty-approved topic.  The review must be at least 40 pages in length, include an historical perspective on the issue, and cite 30 to 50 references, at least ten of which are contemporary, empirically-based studies related to the topic.  Projects must be submitted using the American Psychological Association (APA) documentation style as found in APA’s Publication Manual (4th ed.). See: Masters Paper Guidelines

The Master in Teaching Projects must be formally bound, the cost for which will be assumed by the student.  The MIT program coordinates shipment for binding and the delivery to The Evergreen State College Library.  Please refer to the MIT Program’s Project Guidelines for further information.

Time line for completion of project

Throughout year one, the faculty will provide a structure for doing this project in doable, bite sized chunks. We will set deadlines for each chunk and expect you meter out your time in order to meet the expectations of the project.