Week one
- Dewey, John. (1997 edition). Experience and Education. Touchstone/Simon and Schuster.
- Huerta, G. (2009). Educational foundations--diverse histories, diverse perspectives. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Note: we decided to ask you to get this book in it's entirety because we'll be dipping into for the next two quarters. With that said, it's pretty expensive -- you can find used copies on line. We will also make several copies available on reserve. There is an e-book version of this available to purchase with the publisher .
Week two
- Greene, M. (1995) Releasing the Imagination: Essays on Education, the Arts, and Social Change by Maxine Greene. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.
Week three
- Wilson, B.L. & Corbett, H.D. (2001) Listening to Urban Kids: School Reform and the Teachers They Want. SUNY Press.
Week four
- Johnson, A.G. (2005) Privilege, Power, and Difference. McGraw-Hill.
Week five
- Perry, P. (2002) Shades of White: Kids and Racial Identities in High School. Duke University Press
Week six
- Lewis, A. (2003). Race in the Schoolyard: Negotiating the Color Line in Classrooms and Communities. Rutgers University Press.
Week seven
- Valenzuela, Angela. (1999). Subtractive Schooling: U.S. Mexican Youth and the Politics of Caring. State University of New York Press.
Week eight
- Lee, S. J. (1996) Unraveling the "model Minority" Stereotype: Listening to Asian American Youth. Teachers College Press.
Week nine
- Phelan, P., Davidson, A.L., & Yu, H.C. (1997) Adolescents' Worlds: Negotiating Family, Peers, and School. Teachers College Press.