Due week 1 -- the first seminar of the retreat

During the retreat, all of you will present an autobiographical project about the particular people, places, and events that have influenced who you are now.  This project cannot be a written essay.  The project CAN BE poetry, song, dance, collage, paintings, drawings, sculpture, dioramas, photography, multi-media, etc. 

To help yourself prepare for the project, consider the people, resources and events that have influenced who you are now. Take time to talk with people about what they remember as important in your life.  Find photographs, art work, stories and poems you wrote or liked as a child, teenager, or adult, letters you received, journals you kept.  Think about your challenges and your victories - identify places, people, and events that were important. How and where do you see yourself in three years?

When you come to the retreat, bring your autobiographical project to present to the class.

If you have questions about this assignment, contact Sonja, Grace or Jon.

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