Widening the Circle: Seeking Inclusive Education
Masters in Teaching 2008-2010 
The Evergreen State College

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Draft schedule for winter 2009
What won't change: the time slots
What might change: what we are doing during those times :)


History of Education
SEM2A-2105 (
one floor down from where we were)

week3,5 & 7 also rooms B3107 & D3107

9am to 12pm



Masters Paper: Research Methods & Statistics SEM2A-2105
9am to 12pm

Public School Observations



9am to 12pm
Grace: library 2205
Jon: library 2207
Sonja: library 1005.


Community Mtg
1pm to 2:30pm

Visual Art across the Curriculum
2:30pm to 4pm

Adolescent Development

Elementary literacy

1pm to 4pm

Math methods
4pm -7pm


Content Area Literacy
3:00 - 5:30pm

Note: In addition to these scheduled times, you should anticipate studying approximately 2-3 hours for every credit hour received.  This works out to 16 credits x 2 or 3 hours = between 32 and 48 hours per week of preparation in addition to regularly scheduled class time.