Winter 2009 Academic Project,
Conceptualizing Native Place program, The Evergreen State College, Olympia WA
The "Conceptualizing Native Place" class used art and geography to explore Native and Western concepts about place. Students in the program created 10-minute documentary podcasts (audio tracks with accompanying still images) on the Nisqually River Watershed at the south end of Puget Sound, including the Nisqually Tribe's salmon habitat restoration and cultural resource programs. The students' projects tell some of the stories of the Nisqually Valley and our place in it.
“Wilcox Farms and a Salmon-Safe Future” looks at how Wilcox Farms has contributed to creating a Salmon-safe environment in the Nisqually watershed. It shows how an emerging “shared sense of place” has been aided by the cooperative relationship between the Nisqually Tribe, the Nisqually Land Trust, and the private landowning family running the Wilcox Farms.
(Ruth Kodish-Eskind, Ursula Opalka, Ella Pultinas)
“Dupont: Corporate Space in Native Place” addresses the history of the City of Dupont, on Sequalitchew Creek near the Nisqually Estuary. It covers Nisqually longhouses, colonization by the Hudson Bay Company, and the environmental and economic impacts of modern corporate development.Dupont’s prolonged status as a “company town” demonstrates how the treatment of place is effected by land ownership and control.
“Geoduck: the Nisqually Shellfish Program and Nisqually Aquatic Technologies” addresses the importance of geoduck harvesting to the Nisqually Tribe and its treaty rights, the impacts of harvest on the geoduck resource and the environment, and the economic and cultural benefits of the geoduck diving program. (The Geoduck is also our Evergreen team mascot.)
(Jason Bean-Mortinson, Annalise Duerr-Miller, Julia Vieau)
“Nisqually Tribe and Fort Lewis” examines the relationship between the Nisqually Reservation and the adjacent military base. About 70 percent of the reservation was seized to form the Army
post in 1917, and tribal members were forcibly removed from their lands. In
recent years, the Tribe has convinced the Army to restore access rights to
tribal members, and jointly protect unique species and cultural sites on post.
This cooperation was symbolized in the 2009 Leschi and Quiemuth Honor Walk.
(Mick Michelutti, John Moudy) Clear Creek Hatchery focuses on one aspect of the relationship between the Nisqually Tribe and Fort Lewis. In 1991, the Tribe opened the hatchery on former reservation lands inside the military base, initiating the cooperation process between the Tribe and the Army. Funding for the hatchery came from dam operators compensating the tribe for their damage to the tribal fishery. The hatchery plays a key role in restoring salmon runs.
“Muck Creek Chum Salmon Restoration” looks at cooperative riparian restoration efforts on Muck Creek, which flows through Fort Lewis and the City of Roy on its way to the Nisqually River. It highlights the connections of the importance of salmon to local culture, tradition and sense of place, using the 2009 Roy Salmon Ceremony to illustrate the growing Native/non-Native cooperation to bring back chum salmon to the tributary.
“Nisqually Estuary” reviews the Nisqually Delta restoration projects just north of I-5, in the Nisqually National Wildlife Reserve (formerly the Brown Farm), and the tribally-owned Braget Farm Site on the east bank of the Nisqually River. It focuses on dike removal and the effects that it will have on the estuary and its species. It also examines the cooperative relationship between local farmers and the Nisqually Tribe to protect the estuary from development.
(Dimitri Antonelis-Lapp, John P. Walker, Simon Wright)
“Mashel River” explains the social and ecological importance of the Mashel River within the Middle Nisqually Watershed, as a potential refuge for salmon. It discusses the cooperation between the Nisqually Tribe, Eatonville and the Nisqually Land Trust in restoring salmon habitat with log jams and other riparian repair methods.
“Ohop Creek” documents the Nisqually Tribe’s salmon habitat restoration program on the creek in the Middle Nisqually Valley. It tells the unique story of a straightened creek that is being remanipulated to again follow a meandering course. The tribal program has worked with the Nisqually Land Trust, Citizens Reclaiming the Ohop Watershed, South Puget Sound Salmon Enhancement Group, and others.
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