
This page is a list of terms -- vocabularies -- from multiple fields. All three of your faculty would like you to know these words.

In addition to the word roots that Don will discuss, like helicopter, definite, Baton Rouge, rhododendron, animated, sanguine, choleric, melancholic, phlegmatic, gregarious, juxtapose, quintessential, zealot, impeccable, penultimate, circumvent and vociferous, he will define and discuss (and expect you to know) the following literary terms: tragedy, comedy, tragic flaw, hamartia, hubris, protagonist, antagonist, genre (and specific literature genres he’ll note), allusion, illusion, structure, imagery, tone, theme, structural devices (eg. intervention, foreshadowing), doppelganger, in medias res, “intentional” fallacy, literary sentimentality, irony, phenomenon, noumenon, particular, universal, classical unities, myth, deus ex machina, and probably some others.

Sean will be discussing specific musical and anthropological terms like melody, timbre, harmony, rhythm, meter, beat, tonality, dissonance, consonance, rhyme, syncopation, syncretism, ostinato, drone, overtone, harmonics, interlocking, onbeat, offbeat, diatonic, chromatic, measure, key signature, time signature, gamelan, batucada, ornamentation, shamanism, sacred, secular, epistemology, and genre.

Rob will be working with these words and concepts: phoneme, lexeme, grammar, syntax, rhetoric, design, decentralization, poetics, aesthetics, prosody, metaphor, analogy, personification, allegory, denouement, presence, synesthesia, synectics, gestalt, holism, kinesiology, linguistics, proximal, distal, peripheral, saggital, perception, body, soma, dance, recreation, and fun.