Week 7
Topic 1: Gender
1. Global Women’s Strike, TheRevolution has a Woman's Face, in OliviaBurlingame Goumbri, TheVenezuela Reader. (er),
2. Sarah Wagner, “Women and Venezuela’s BolivarianRevolution,” Venezuelanalysis, January 15, 2005 and "The BolivarianResponse to the Feminization of Poverty." Feb. 5th, 2005, http://www.venezuelanalysis.com/analysis/877 http://www.venezuelanalysis.com/analysis/918
3. Fernandes, Sujatha, TheGender Agenda of the Pink Tide in Latin America, Znet,Oct 2007-http://www.zmag.org/znet/viewArticle/14305
4. Red Popular de los AltosMirandinos, Statement from Women Housewives Workers in the Home to President Hugo Chávez, Feb 4, 2005
5. Cory Fischer-Hoffman, VenezuelaLeads the Way: Welfare Mothers and Grassroots Women are the Workersfor Social Change http://upsidedownworld.org/main/content/view/209/1/
6. Michael Albert and NoraCastañeda, Gender In Venezuela, An Interview with Nora Castañeda, September 20, 2008, http://www.zcommunications.org/znet/viewArticle/18868
7. Selections from CoryFischer-Hoffman, Misíon Madres del Barrio: A Bolivarian Social Program: Recognizing Housework and Creating a Caring Economy in Venezuela University of Kansas, 2008. (er or listserv)
8. Dalla Costa, GiovannaFranca, Development and Economic Crisis: Women’s Labour andSocial Policies in Venezuela in the Context of International Indebtedness, in Paying the Price: Women and the Politics ofInternational Economic Strategy, eds. Mariarosa Dalla Costa and Giovanna F. Dalla Costa London: Zed Books, 1995), 91-116.(er)
Topic 2: Labor
1. Labor: Steve Ellner, “Trade Union Autonomy and the Emergence of a New Labor Movement inVenezuela”, in Ellner and Tinker Salas, ed. Venezuela, HugoChávez and the Decline of an Exceptional Democracy(er)
2. Kiraz Janicke & Federico Fuentes, Venezuela’sLabor Movement at the Crossroads, April 29th 2008, http://www.venezuelanalysis.com/analysis/3398
1. Eduardo Galeano, Open Veins of Latin America,
2. Richard Gott, Hugo Chavez
3. Greg Wilpert, Changing Venezuela by Taking Power
4. Myles Horton and Paulo Freire, , We Make the Road by Walking
5. Greg Gandin, Empire’s Workshop
6. Robin Hahnel, Economic Justice and Democracy
7. Vijay Prashad and Teo Ballvé Dispatches from Latin America
For winter, we will read; Eva Gollinger, Bush vs. Chavez
Charles Hardy, Cowboy in Caracas
You've Got To Move
The Revolution will not be Televised
Venezuela From Below
Hearts & Minds
The Last Supper