ARCHIVE - Comments on: Week 7 Pursuing the Dream Fri, 11 Dec 2009 20:14:43 -0800 hourly 1 ARCHIVE - By: Lizzie Lizzie Mon, 09 Nov 2009 21:41:14 +0000 Awakening the Dreamer kids! We're having a Book Fair Poster making, Jung Part Three reading, Seminar Ticket writing party! Bring whatever you need to The Market (second floor, library building) at 7:00pm on Monday, November 9th. You should come. It'll be fun. =) Awakening the Dreamer kids!

We’re having a Book Fair Poster making, Jung Part Three reading, Seminar Ticket writing party!

Bring whatever you need to The Market (second floor, library building) at 7:00pm on Monday, November 9th. You should come. It’ll be fun.

