History of Science Paper 2, Fall 2009


Paper 2 Topic Choices

You may choose from any of the following three options.
  1. In what specific ways do the constituients of Plato's theory of knowledge underlie (for better or worse) our current understanding of nature and relationship with nature?

  2. In what specific ways did the components of Plato's theory of knowledge arise from the Presocratics and yet are distinguished from the various doctrines of the Presocratics' that address questions of cosmology, ontology, and epistemology?

  3. You may propose an alternative thesis question to me on Thursday of week 5.
You should not try to cover all of Plato's theory of knowledge, but you should clearly distinguish those components of his theory that you wish to focus on and indicate how they fit with the other components in his overall theory as you introduce and elaborate your thesis.

Notes and Tips