Workshop exercise on the Presocratics
Mathematical Order of Nature, Fall 2009

We'll do this as a group exercise in class during the week, but you are encouraged to prepare and write down some thoughts ahead of time.

For each of the presocratic philosophers listed below, characterize their contribution and/or viewpoint on ontology, epistemology, cosmology. For the purposes of this exercise, use Wheelwright's definition of ontology, epistemology, and cosmology given on page 13. Consruct your answers in terms of the one or more of following frameworks for interpretation that we discussed in class. Make sure you are clear about how you see the meaning of these dualities in general, for example, what does matter vs form really mean. For each philosopher, give specific fragments or testimonies to support your interpretation.

Submit the written work of your group by the end of Thursday class.

Interpretive frameworks

The philosophers

  1. Xenophanes
  2. Thales
  3. Anaximander
  4. Heraclitus
  5. Parmenides & Zeno
  6. Anaxagoras
  7. Leucippus & Democratus
  8. Pythagoras