![]() Ron Takaki |
![]() Naomi Klein |
![]() Karl Marx |
![]() Steven Biko |
Political Economy and Social Movements
Neve Gordon’s talk will be Thursday, February 18th from 12:30 to 2:30 in Lecture Hall 1.
For our trip to Seattle, Monday , January 18th, 2010 we will meet with Bob McChesney, from 3-5 P.M. at UW, Communication Building, Room 126. We will leave Evergreen at 9:30 A.M. and return around 7 P.M.
List of Suggested Books for Week 6 Optional Reading
See changes in schedule for Week 6, Feb. 5-9 on announcements page
For Friday, January 22nd.
12:30-1:30 P.M. Labor Leader Jose Luis Baquedano, Lecture Hall 1
Also see additional reading by guest speaker, Brenda Biddle,
Announcements, January 3, 2010
Happy New Year. The program syllabus for winter and week one readings are now on-line on this web-site. Our first program meeting in this Tuesday, January 4th at 10 A.M. in Longhouse, 1007 B, the same room as last quarter.
As we mentioned before the break, you should read all of Hahnel, Economic Justice and Democracy. no later than Friday, Jan 9th. We will discuss Ch. 1-5 in seminar, Tuesday. Also read Ch. 36, 37 of the Economics textbook for Tuesday. I am also including an article on Cuba, which I wrote and we will discuss on Wed., 1/5. Please read it by Wednesday.
Looking forward to see you Tuesday,
Peter for the faculty
Political Economy and Social Movements, Winter 2010 Syllabus
Announcement: October 12, 2009
Readings for Week 3. Change in readings!
The economics readings are as listed on the syllabus.
Sherman et al, For Tues. 10/13: Ch. 9, 11-13
for Friday. 10/16: Sherman, et. al. , Ch. 14, 16
Seminar readings,
For Tuesday, October 13th: Zinn, Ch. 1-8, and afterword, pp. 683-688, and P.S., pp. 1-16
For Friday, October 16th, Takaki, Ch 1-9, and pp. 441-446
also: For Friday, Wollstonecraft (on web-page, readings), and Declaration of Independence, Constitution
Sept. 23, , 2009
1.The required readings are in the bookstore. They are now listed under the correct program title of Political Economy and Social Movements. Previously, they were listed in the bookstore with an incorrect program title. There is only one required economics textbook, Economics by Sherman, Hunt, etc. The bookstore mistakenly ordered a second one, by Riddell, Shackelford, etc. If you picked that one up also, you probably want to return it.
2. Please read Naomi Klein’s, The Shock Doctrine: Parts 1-4 for Tuesday, September 29th. First class meeting is Tuesday, 9/29 at 10 A.M. in Longhouse 1007c.
3. Guest Speaker: Lisa Sullivan will be giving a talk for our program Wed. Sept. 30that 1:30 in Sem II, E1105 on Honduras. Ms. Sullivan will also be speaking this same Wednesday night at 7 P.M. at Traditions, which is at 5th and Water St., downtown Olympia on Honduras and Venezuela and the growth of the left in Latin America. Everyone is welcome.
4. We will be attending the econvergence conference in Portland, October 2-4. See Econvergence: Northwest Gatheringon the Economic and Ecological Crises. Please deposit $40 as a program fee with Evergreen. This will cover the cost of attending Noam Chomsky’s talk on Friday, October 2; and transportation back and forth. There will be an additional cost of $5 for sleeping two nights at Liberty Hall. Please bring a sleeping bag and bedding and a towel. You do not need to purchase a ticket on-line for Chomsky although you do for Derrick Jensen, $10. We will need drivers certified by the motor pool to drive the vans.
Award-winning independent journalist reporting from the Middle East http://www.dahrjamailiraq.com
“Empire and Resistance: The Cost of Empire, and Soldiers Who Refuse to Fight”
7:00-9:00 pm, Lecture Hall 1,
Evergreen Olympia campus
(FREE and open to the public)
Also speaking :
Seth Manzel, Director of G.I. Voice — and its Coffee Strong coffeehouse outside the gates of Fort Lewis (at I-5 Exit 122) http://www.GIvoice.org
6. Dr. Eric Holt- Giménez, Executive Director of Food First wll present his new book, Food Rebellions, Monday, October 5th from 10 A.M. to Noon in Lecture Hall 3 at Evergreen.
Eric Holt-Giménez, is the Executive Director of Food First/Institute for Food and Development Policy a “peoples’ think-and-do tank” dedicated to eliminating the injustices that cause hunger and environmental degradation
7. Fall 2009/Winter 2010 Faculty:
Peter Bohmer Shoot me an email,
Savvina Chowdhury
Larry Mosqueda