ARCHIVE - Portrait: A Multimedia Web Workshop » Amy Winter 2010 Mon, 05 Apr 2010 23:30:30 +0000 en hourly 1 ARCHIVE - Week 10 – Present Thu, 11 Mar 2010 00:59:43 +0000 Amy Final presentations: It’s here. The end of the road. Time to step off the bus and tell us about what you’ve been up to. Please keep your presentation under 8 minutes so we have time for everyone.

Evaluations: There are sign ups available on Moodle now for eval conferences. These are optional if you would like to discuss your work. There are separate conferences for Amy and me, so please sign up for corresponding person that is writing your eval:

Amy – Angel/C/Heather/Glen/Amanda/Hayley/Andrew/Matt/Lisa H./Lisa J./Lucas
Stephanie – Oliver/Karen/Kell/Linda/Jordan/Cori/Celi/Rachel/Stephani/Suzy/Pat

It is required that you write an eval of both Amy and me as faculty for us to put in our portfolio. Please bring that to your conference along with your self-evaluation.

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ARCHIVE - Week 8 Remix Wed, 24 Feb 2010 03:52:04 +0000 Amy
  • Check-in: Quarter assignments, final projects
  • Review of animation assignment
  • Video Compression
  • Student presentations
  • Issues of ownership: copyright and the Creative Commons – Lawrence Lessig on Free Culture Part 1, 2, 3, 4
  • Intro to HTML and CSS – W3 Schools
  • Assisted Work
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    ARCHIVE - Week 7 Text Wed, 17 Feb 2010 18:03:23 +0000 Amy In class:

    • Review iMovie assignment
    • Student presentations
    • Intro to typography
    • Photoshop Type tool
    • Animating type in Photoshop
    • Styling text for the web (if there’s time)

    This week’s assignments:

    • Suggested movie: Helvetica
    • Readings:
    • Due week 8: create a short animated work using type in Photoshop. Export as a quicktime file. Post to your blog and/or to your cubby in Orca/programs
    • Photoshop video export handout
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    ARCHIVE - Week 4 Podcasting Tue, 19 Jan 2010 00:32:11 +0000 Amy
  • Assignment review
  • Group check-in on individual projects
  • Photoshop Review

    • Selections
    • Working with alpha channels and quick mask

    Editing Sound with Audacity

    • Importing sound, file types
    • Intro to digital audio
    • Editing basics
    • Exporting

    Introduction to podcasting

    • What is a podcast?
    • Garage Band workshop for podcasting – creating an enriched audio podcast
    • Using Photoshop to prepare images for enriched podcast

    In-Class Activity:

    Use interview content from previous week to create a simple podcast using Garage Band and post completed work on blog site

    Assignment Due Week 5:

    • Create a enhanced podcast in Garage Band 1-3 minutes in legnth using a minimum of:

    one voice track, one sound effect, and a minimum of three still images

    • Respond to TWO other classmates’ in-class podcasts via their blog sites

    *Reminder:  For students that have them please bring your video cameras to for next week’s workshop.

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    ARCHIVE - Week 3 Sound Tue, 19 Jan 2010 00:27:46 +0000 Amy Research Topic Due: One page written portrait project proposal due to blog site

    • Group check-in, present your research topic to your group
    • Photoshop follow-up and review of portrait images from last week
    • WordPress follow-up and blog check-in

    Student presentations:

    • Angel
    • Amanda
    • Hayley
    • Mathew

    Field Recording:

    In-class activity: Complete in-class recorded interview for use in class the following week. Record a classmate describing an element of their final project. Import the audio file and give a copy to your classmate and post the audio file to your network share on Orca.


    Attaching audio to a post

    Assignment Due Week 4:

    • In class, record an interview about an element of your project for use in next week’s podcasting workshop.
    • Outside of class collect a minimum of three images, and at least two audio recordings (interview, sound effects, music etc.) that you will use to create a podcast of your project proposal.
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    ARCHIVE - Week 2 Mon, 11 Jan 2010 03:04:11 +0000 Amy Week 2 Self Portrait:
    • Check-in, follow-up from last week
    • Intro to Moodle site

    Publishing on the Web

    • Why create a personal web presence? Do I exist if I don’t have a web site?
    • What is a blog?
    • Review blog examples

    WordPress techniques

    • Review from last week
    • Theme-ing your blog
    • Intro to html

    6:40 – student presentations

    –7pm Break–

    Digital Still Camera workshop:

    Intro to digital imaging with Photoshop:

    • Scanning and image resolution (print, web and moving image)
    • Photoshop basics, workspace,  selections, layers, save for web
    • In class activity: create a self-portrait collage and a banner image for your blog

    WordPress: Post images to blog site

    Assignment Due Week 3:

    • Create a visual self portrait using a series of still images, or a single image utilizing Photoshop manipulations/collage techniques. Post completed work on blog.
    • Complete both readings for week two that include In/Sights: Self-Portrait by Women, and Narcissism: Artists Reflect Themselves
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    ARCHIVE - Week 1 Wed, 06 Jan 2010 04:52:35 +0000 Amy In the beginning…


    • Faculty and student introductions
    • review class schedule:
      • how will class time be structured? Combination of lecture/discussion, hands-on workshop and assisted work time.
    • Review covenant, and class website usage
    • Weekly student presentations: each week 3 students will each give a 5-10 min. presentation on a topic that relates to the work of this course. Topic areas include PhotoShop techniques, internet technologies/services, html/css, WordPress techniques, Mac OS tips. You are encouraged to choose something you know little about to begin with but have an interest in. The 3 of you should meet and decide upon your topics beforehand. If they are supporting or related this is great but not neccessary.

    Campus resources:

    • Media Loan
    • Photoland (Digital Imaging Studio)
    • Sound and Image Library
    • Electronic Media
    • Computer Center
    • accounts

    Intro to Macintosh:

    An introduction to the world wide web and the internet

    • What is the internet? What is the world wide web? (video)
    • What does the www stand for?  Anatomy of a URL.
    • html and css – the stuff web pages are made of


    Publishing on the Web

    Academic blogging at Evergreen with WordPress

    Intro to digital imaging with Photoshop:

    Assignments/Reading Due Week 2:

    • Reading: Practices of Looking, accessible via the Readings page.
    • Bring in 3 collected images (pre-scanned/web content) that represent yourself to use in Photoshop collage. Select these images considering the Practices of Looking reading.
    • Compose a blog page that describes your initial portrait project ideas including:
      topic, background information, your interest in this topic, ideas for execution, stylistic approach etc.
    • If you have one, bring in your digital still camera to class for next week

    Assisted work (if there’s time)

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    ARCHIVE - Course Description Fri, 20 Nov 2009 00:20:14 +0000 Amy CRN: 20308
    4 credits

    meeting times:
    Wednesdays 5:30pm – 9:30pm

    faculty sponsor contact info
    Stephanie Zorn | 360.867.6249 | email Stephanie |
    Amy Greene | 360.867.6219 | email Amy |

    course description
    This intensive class is designed for entry-level students to build media literacy skills and gain basic proficiency with media production and web technologies. Students will learn to critically analyze content by completing readings and conducting individual research via a personal blog space. Students will apply their research to the creation of a multimedia project using the theme of portraiture to frame their work. Full credit will be awarded for the completion of a blog site and multimedia project as well as full participation in all class activities. Technology workshops will include: Photoshop, iMovie, audio field recording and multitracking, WordPress, and media compression.
    Faculty signature is required, please complete the application and we will contact you shortly.

    special expenses:

    • headphones (required)
    • digital still camera (would be more convenient)
    • smartphone with camera, audio recorder, gps positioning (would open up all kinds of creative potential in this class)
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