2009.09.06 Kernels linux-orig 2.2.19 came with the vdi virtual image linux-test is linux-recompile 2.2.19, no kernel changes. Works. syscall-58 2.2.19 has the #58 replacement syscall hardwired (not a module). Works. syscall-191 2.2.19 has the three extra system call stubs for use when adding new system calls as modules with parameters and return options. Doesn't currently work. See Notes in the development directory. 2009.09.05 Proc file system calls (kernel linux-orig or linux-test or any others) ---------------- 01 mod-hello/ OK -- Load and unload a module. 02 mod-procfsregister/ OK -- Register and unregister a procfile read. 03 mod-procfsread/ OK -- Supply a procfile read. System call as module (kernel linux-orig or linux-test or any others) --------------------- 04 mod-syscall-58/ OK -- insert a system call replacing unused #58 Works. Hardwired replacement system call (kernel syscall-58) --------------------------------- 05 syscall-58/ OK -- hardwired replacement system call in kernel Works in syscall-58 kernel. Hardwired new system calls (kernel syscall-191) -------------------------- 06 syscall-191/ NO -- hardwired new system calls 191, 192, 193 Broken. 07 syscall-191-stub/ TD -- syscall examples using stubs. Not done. General system calls as modules (kernel linux-syscall-191 aka linux-debug) ------------------------------- 08 mod-syscall-retval/ TD -- System call with return value. Not done 09 mod-syscall-parm/ TD -- System call with return value and parameters Not done. To Do.