2009.08.20 The original kernel make took two tries. The first try broke on the file /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/lib/usercopy.c. Sounds like a missing dependency perhaps. 2009.08.20 Updating the lilo boot loader. 1. run /sbin/lilo -q -v to see the current map 2. update the /etc/lilo.conf to add a boot option for the new kernel 3. run /sbin/lilo to reconfigure lilo for the new map 4. run /sbin/lilo -q -v to see the new map 5. Reboot and try the new and original system. Lilo uses or updates the following files when run with new /etc/lilo.conf /etc/lilo.conf The lilo configuration file you edit /boot/boot_message.txt A boot message you can change if you want. /boot/map The new lilo boot map installed using lilo.conf Other files lilo uses but don't need to change (they are set at lilo install). /boot/boot-menu.b (alias /boot/boot.b) The boot sector /boot/boot-text.b /boot/boot.nnnn a backup copy of the boot sector 2009.08.20 Installing the new kernel image in the /boot directory. 1. backup /vmlinuz to /vmlinuz-bak 2. backup /boot/config to /boot/config-bak 3. backup /boot/System.map to /boot/System.map-bak 4. copy /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage to /boot/bzImage-2.2.19-test 5. copy /usr/src/linux/.config to /boot/config-2.2.19-test 6. copy /usr/src/linux/System.map to /boot/System.map-2.2.19-test 7. Go to lilo boot loader update (above) 2009.08.20 Compiling this slackware 2.2 kernel. 1. cd /usr/src/linux 2. make clean (might not want to do this during development) 3. make oldconfig (uses the .config file, no need to change it) 4. make depend 5. make (hope this works) 6. make bzImage (puts new bzImage in /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage also creates a System.map 2009.08.20 The original current kernel is stored in /vmlinuz. The original config file is saved in /boot/config (or .config more recent) The original System.map is saved in /boot/System.map The file /boot/map is the kernel image map for lilo. I saved the original /vmlinuz in /vmlinuz-orig /usr/src/linux/.config in /usr/src/linux/.config-orig I'm not sure where the original System.map is. 2009.08.20 This slackware 2.2 system boots with sftp available! That way we can push files to grace for transfer and backup.