2010.01.12 I removed the tar file of the whole directory (see previous note), but I added three new tar files for three new kernel module examples. The xtime example is very close to the solution to lab 5-nutt4 kernel modules lab, but without the loops and with all the debugging prints to the syslog. I'll tar up this whole directory, but put it up a level in the handouts directory. 2010.01.07 The tar file includes all the code in this directory for you to download into your slackware2.4 virtualbox kernel and get working. After you get this code working you still need to extend the code to complete the Nutt 4 lab as specified on pp103-104. Specifically, this means you need to recode the procfsread.c program so it returns a string of the xtime and you need to write and run the test program sketched on pp103-104. 2010.01.06 Testing on the Slackware 2.4 kernel posted in the kerel images handout directory. hello/ OK This directory is just a simple C program. mod-hello/ OK First Module program right from the LKMPG for 2.4 Kernel mod-procfsregister/ OK Registers a simple proc file read that doesn't do much mod-procfsread/ OK Registers a proc file read that increments a count on read mod-syscall-240/ OK A system call module replacing an unused 2.4 system call 2010.01.04 Transferred from Sancho laptop with the Gentoo 2.4 kernel. Needs to be recompiled and tested. 2010.01.04 These programs work on a Gentoo 2.4 kernel, but have not yet been tested on the Slackware 2.4 kernel posted in the kernel images handout directory. hello/ This directory is just a simple C program. hellomod/ First Module program right from the LKMPG for 2.4 Kernel procfile/ Registers a simple proc file read that doesn't do much procfcount/ Registers a proc file read that increments a count on read syscallmod/ A system call module that replaces an unused 2.4 system call syscall/ A first attempt at a hard-coded system call. See Lab 6 syscallmod-old/ Ignore this