Security Week 1
- Kaufman, Perlman and Speciner: Ch 2
- Smith and Marchesini
- Skoudis
Topics for today
- Crypto basics
- symmetric vs asymmetric
- gotchas
- what is it used for? list 4 functions (cian)
- computational difficulty: how much computation is necessary to break
a cipher. It is not necessarily the same as the number of keys that need to be tried.
'a bolt cutter works no matter how many digits are in the combination'
- if there is no shortcut, then adding 1 bit to the key length is only a little more
work for the good guy and an lot more for the bad guy.
- types of attacks: ciphertext only, known plaintext, chosen plaintext
note that challenge-response protocols could permit the attacker to use a
chosen plaintext attack.
- Secret (symmetric) key vs public (asymmetric) key: monoalphabetic substitution
and DES are examples of symmetric. RSA and Diffie-Hellman are examples of public key.
- strong authentication: you can prove that you kow the secret without revealing it,
for example, challenge-response
- Integrity: cryptographic checksum (hash). Different from normal checksum because there
is a difference between a random error and malicious change. Also, message
authentication code (MAC) or message integrity code (MIC).
- public key crypto: e is used for public key, d is used for private key. Can
also be used for digital signatures
- mA is encrypted with eB
- mB is decrypted with dA
- digital signature:A signs mA with dA
- advantages over secret key: complexity for managing keys is only Θ(n)
compared to &Theta(n2)
- disadvantages: can be 1000 times slower because of extended precision integer multiplies
Hash Algorithms
- message digest, one-way transform
- computing h(m) is fast, computing m from h(m) is not feasible,
- it is not feasible to find m and m' such that h(m) = h(m')
- passwords are stored as hashes. Anyone who can get the password file can use a dictionary attack.
- Message Integrity: keyed hash. You can concat message and secret key and then hash.
Secret Key Encryption
- Design decisions for DES
- substitution and permutation
- AES is better
- authentication: who are you?
- authorization: what are you allowed to do?
- access control list: stores by resource who is allowed to do what.
- role: used in access control to group users
- capability model: stores by user who is allowed to do what.