The Age of Irony: Twentieth Century America

Week 1 -- Monday, September 27: War Workshop: constitution; introduce critical program review group

Assignment: take excellent reading notes on Iriye. By Wednesday: Read Iriye, preface and Chapters 1-3 (or more), read Chapters 1-7 by Monday.

Wednesday, September 29: Visit from former Age of Irony students, including their research topics and how they chose them. Critical reading in class; Foner. Write an annotation of the article.

Thursday, September 30: (Sarah) Library research about WWI. We'll convene in the Computer Center in the Library building, GCC2 Solarium, at 6 p.m.

Fall Quarter
Week One
Week Two
Week Three
Week Four
Week Five
Week Six
Week Seven
Week Eight
Week Nine
Week Ten

TESC Evening & Weekend Studies Fall/Winter/Spring 2010-2011