Internet: Knowledge and Community

at The Evergreen State College

Demystification (of technology)

From Internet: Knowledge and Community

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Technology is viewed as complex and incomprehensible. It is seen as larger in scope than the more familiar and comfortable spheres of the individual or community. Technology can be complex and it can be inhumanly vast. But if people don't demystify the technology, it will forever be daunting, and people will continue to be victimized. The truth is that the culture of humankind can't be separated from its tools or from its technology. Like communications, tool-making and tool-using are inseparable from our nature. For although technological systems may seem complex, incomprehensible, and overwhelming in size, they need not be. As we will show, existing systems can be tamed and new community-oriented systems can be devised. By reasserting our control of our technological systems, some of the tension between "community" and "technology" can be removed and technology can be made to better serve human needs. (Schuler, pg. 24)