Internet: Knowledge and Community

at The Evergreen State College

Strong Ties

From Internet: Knowledge and Community

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Mark Granovetter speaks of strong ties in this way, "the strength of a tie is a combination of the amount of time, the emotional intensity, the intimacy, and the reciprocal services which characterize the tie." Granovetter does state, this is only a "rough intuitive basis" of what creates ties of strength, furthermore it is obvious the conditions are somewhat "independent", yet "highly intracorrelated".

The application of Granovetter analysis is most interesting when applied to the diffusion of information. Through a process of graphical and qualitative analysis Granovetter illustrates the positive correlation that exists between the diffusion of information and the socially marginalized, at least with respect to early adopters. The marginalized are recognized as a individuals that exist outside the norms of social systems. In addition, marginalized individuals are characterized as individuals whose weak ties outnumber strong ties. Individuals whose relationships consist largely of weak ties don't feel the burden and social pressure of conformity that naturally occur within cliques. Whereas groups characterized by individuals with strong ties, are under the social pressures of the group. In the absence of weaker ties fragmentation within society begins to emerge. What I find curious is that for the diffusion of information to move forward it needs to be initially facilitated by weak ties. Put in the context of today's digital arena one can't help but draw connections between weak ties and "new media". Facebook is the largest social networking site with regard to users, yet one could argue the relationships that exist are largely weak ties. For example the individual that friends anyone, is creating a network whose tentacles could have depth and breadth with respect to interpersonal connections. Could this be the first form of networking that leverages the power of weak ties?