Internet: Knowledge and Community

at The Evergreen State College

The Old and the New

From Internet: Knowledge and Community

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The Old and the New

”The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race” (Kujundzic and Mann, p. 12)

Neo-Luddites vs. Technophiles. The basic topic is the views of Luddites and Technophiles from both a historical and modern point of view. With various groups opposing new technology; textile mills, sewing machines, trains, etc. While other more recent examples are the “paperless office” proponents and early computer and Internet adaptors i.e. “technology is a cornucopia which will remedy all ills.

I have conflicting ideas and arguments both for and against both the Neo Luddites and the Technophiles. I understand the Neo-Luddite fear of the downside of the Internet, the porn, scams, but even more so the information overload and increasing loss of privacy in our society. At the same time the Internet has great potential for good. As a tool it enables me to stay connected with my employees across vast distances, transmit and receive large amounts of information and conduct business at the speed of light. My own concepts of privacy have led me to be very careful with my private email account; I do not have a Face book or MySpace page, and definitely no Twitter. In my business life I freely handout my contact information because my chosen career requires that I be in contact with a lot of people. The Internet is a big part of my family’s survival (I’m employed because of the Internet) but it could be our downfall when it is least expected.