Internet: Knowledge and Community

at The Evergreen State College

How can the internet be a tool for strengthening communication and resource sharing among a community?

From Internet: Knowledge and Community

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From Drop Box to video chatting, there are many ways to share information and communicate through the internet. I'm interested in exploring how this technology can be applied to strengthening communities by enhancing their ability to communicate internally and providing them with additional tools.

~Michael O'Neill


Merilyn's Response

With the development of social networks and video chat, it has made it possible for communication and resource sharing to reach more of the public then before. The internet can be a tool for strengthening communication because in recent years technology has advanced and the internet is not only limited to computers, but also hand held devices and mobile phones. Most people don't have access to a computer, but do have easy access to internet on their mobile device. With this not only can information be reached within a certain group of people, but also expand beyond the community.

Vinh's Response

In my own experience I believe social networking website like Facebook and Myspace are the best way to utilize the internet to communicate to each other and network. Another popular type of networking and communication on the internet nowadays are forum types of websites. Forums are places where people with a certain interest for examples cars, can ask questions or have discussion to the related topics.

Charlie's Response

Avaaz - The World in Action [1] network providing tools and means for real-world action and discussion for encouraging international direct democracy. If a topic or action resonates with users it grows, and the network does not have a particular agenda, all issues for action are user generated.

UK Uncut [2] - A direct action movement in the UK and beginning in the US [3] that confronts corporations and banks over avoiding their taxes while social services are being gutted. It uses Facebook, Twitter, and its own blog to corrdinate demonstrations across the UK, and increasingly the US, without centralized leadership or decision making. An individual or group can use the publicity and tools provided by UK Uncut to organize a demonstration (usually sit-in style occupations of major corporations), and others can join in, make their own variations and additions, or start a coinciding demo in another place. 40 simultaneous actions have occurred in the UK, while 50 occurred in the US in Feb 2011. An interesting aspect to these demostrations is that the focus is not on just shutting down a space, but turning it into a community resources, with High School students turning a bank branch into a youth center and others setting up laundries and libraries, homeless shelters, walk-in clinics and job centres in bank lobbies. [4]

Jacobs Response

Jacob- I personally can relate to some of the ways the internet can strengthen a community. Instant online media is very important to a community. It brings instant access to surrounding areas. With this instant media, communities can be fully aware and up to date with the world around them. I was in Alaska for 6 mths. I stayed in remote villages. Because we had no had no access to TV I used to internet to keep up to date on weather conditions.