We have come to rely on technology, so with technology continuing to expand, evolve, change and continue to be more innovative, could we see social networks as Facebook and Twitter be the end all for postage stamps?
From Internet: Knowledge and Community
Technology Take Over? What I mean by this is could we see the United States Post Office do away with the first class stamp an encourage people to use social networks to communicate to family and friends instead writing the old fashioned letter?
Jerome Wilen
Robert Price's Response:
This is an interesting question. I think postage stamps (or something similar) will continue to exist for a long time because of one simple reason: you can't send matter through the Internet yet. The Internet has indeed made it possible to share many, many forms of data and it will continue to do so. I could see some stamps go away for small things like letters (as you suggested) and photographs, but there will always be a need for stamps for other types of packages.
I would state your question another way: What does the post office have to do in order to compete with the Internet? I asked a roommate of mine a very similar question about the Kindle in relation to books: What does the book have to do in order to compete with the Kindle? I personally believe that while many technologies will be replaced, none will ever go completely away. People still know how to ride horses even though we can take airplanes, for example.
I don't foresee this being an issue for the post office or any other shipping company. With the rate things are being purchased and sent through the post office from online retailers there will always be a need for a postage.
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ally Michaels' Response:
As mentioned, there are always people who choose not to keep up with technology. People like me will always choose to read a book and never buy a kindle because we like the way a book feels in our hands. There is something about being able to fold over pages, highlight, underline, write in margins, bend and manipulate pages that I do not believe can be replaced by something like the Kindle. The digital camera has been around for years, but I still choose to shoot film. Just like books, there is a hands-on appeal to being in the dark room, using different filters and getting your hands wet; spending hours on just a single photograph. I do not think that the internet will ever completely replace letters because although it is easier to shoot off a facebook message to an old friend, there is nothing quite like receiving a letter from someone you have not seen in ages, being able to feel the paper, and see their handwriting that you remember so clearly. I do not see myself printing off emails and facebook messages to keep forever, but when I get a letter in the mail, It goes into my journal and I keep it forever. That cannot be replaced with email or social networking site messages.
Merilyn's Response
True, postage stamps will still be around not only due to its use for letters, but also for packages being shipped all over the world. This also stands true for the familiarity of receiving something as special and intimate as a hand written letter. But, I feel postage stamps will still be around because it is accessible to those who don't have computers or internet access to communicate with family and friends. In most areas of the world people don't own, want, can't afford, or have access to computers. With hand written letters still being a clear and familiar form of communication within these rural areas postage stamps will still hold its significance.