Please signup for an evaluation with David. If you are only doing Calculus, please arrange separately with Rachel.
Please fill out the self evaluation worksheet and turn it in with your portfolio on Thursday afternoon.
Please signup for presentations for next week. Please read the information about the Art of Oral Scientific Presentation
Sign up for the Evergreen Science Carnival
Over the next five weeks during lab days you will be doing labs in modern physics and/or working on your projects. On the following form you should signup up to complete labs during three of those weeks and on the other two weeks you will be working on your projects and meeting briefly with me for progress checks. Signup one name per cell. If you have a prefered lab partner have them sign in the cell directly below yours.
Visit the physics animation sites under the resources link.
Visit the Discussion Forum on our moodle site.
Calculus workshop problems are available now.
The week 1 and week 2 schedules are now updated. Please visit these pages to see upcoming readings and assignments. Also visit the handouts section, where you will find some handouts that I will be discussing on the first day of class.
I will be updating this site with more information before the start of the program in Spring quarter. You will find useful links for textbooks, handouts, and schedules as that information becomes available. Please check back from time to time.