ARCHIVE - Comments on: Lecture 5: Identity, Authorship, Agency & Poetic Knowledge Experiments in Text is a Collective Blog for Students & Where Some of the Readings & Can Be Found Tue, 12 Apr 2011 04:50:06 +0000 hourly 1 ARCHIVE - By: wolachd wolachd Wed, 03 Feb 2010 04:29:43 +0000 Hey buddy: Stalk was presented in part, at PRESS (Corpus plus presentation), as well, which predates the colloquium, if you want to talk com., mr. back-stage pass... :) & the breakup might be considered cells, or not. depends on who you ask, no? hence the wiki being a dispute as much as an "error" :) dw Hey buddy: Stalk was presented in part, at PRESS (Corpus plus presentation), as well, which predates the colloquium, if you want to talk com., mr. back-stage pass… :) & the breakup might be considered cells, or not. depends on who you ask, no? hence the wiki being a dispute as much as an “error” :)


ARCHIVE - By: Will Owen Will Owen Wed, 03 Feb 2010 01:36:54 +0000 Go Koot! I'm too much of a canadiophile to let wiki stay that out of date: Nick Perrin is not a british theology prof, he graduated from Evergreen 06, & finished up at SFU 2008 (worked at KAOS before I did). 'What is to be Undone?' was dropped before the colloquium, which was called N 49 15.832 - W 123 05.921 Positions Colloquium (Elrick's 'Stalk' was one of the pieces comissioned). It was also a update of KSW's first big event, the 1985 New Poetics colloquium (only time all the L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E poets were ever in the same room at the same time), which was itself a update of Creely's 1963 Poetics Colloquium hosted for Charles Olson, & a few new american poets. Poetry's only bidecatrienalle? (or so) & KSW now has 30+ members, organized into cells (I don't know how it exactly works - it's a very complex organism). Go Koot! I’m too much of a canadiophile to let wiki stay that out of date:

Nick Perrin is not a british theology prof, he graduated from Evergreen 06, & finished up at SFU 2008 (worked at KAOS before I did).

‘What is to be Undone?’ was dropped before the colloquium, which was called N 49 15.832 – W 123 05.921 Positions Colloquium (Elrick’s ‘Stalk’ was one of the pieces comissioned). It was also a update of KSW’s first big event, the 1985 New Poetics colloquium (only time all the L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E poets were ever in the same room at the same time), which was itself a update of Creely’s 1963 Poetics Colloquium hosted for Charles Olson, & a few new american poets. Poetry’s only bidecatrienalle? (or so)

& KSW now has 30+ members, organized into cells (I don’t know how it exactly works – it’s a very complex organism).
