ARCHIVE - Comments on: Week 2: Reading for Weds, Books to Order, Writing Prompt Experiments in Text is a Collective Blog for Students & Where Some of the Readings & Can Be Found Tue, 12 Apr 2011 04:50:06 +0000 hourly 1 ARCHIVE - By: tiny kraken tiny kraken Tue, 11 Jan 2011 17:48:04 +0000 re: artaud words as diving/spring board notice: ferlinghetti uses the overused "signaling thru the flames" w/out attribution as 1st line of his poetry as insurgent art poem i guess we all know that one by now kind of like "april is the cruelest month" re: artaud words as diving/spring board
notice: ferlinghetti uses the overused “signaling thru the flames” w/out
as 1st line of his poetry as insurgent art poem
i guess we all know that one by now
kind of like “april is the cruelest month”
