Category Archives: Uncategorized

E T C & N E W S

Some quick things prior to this first Saturday’s gathering.  1) For those of you new to this course, or who, for whatever reason, did not get the reading assignment for this week, please scroll below and click on the links to … Continue reading

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Dada/Stein: Post-Modernism?

What are your impressions of Dada work?  Of the notion of “anti-art”?  Many have situated Dada, especially pre-World War I publications and gatherings, as the beginning of “post-modernism.”  Often thought to be primarily a political performing and visual arts movement, … Continue reading

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Well, Come

Welcome to Experiments in Text.  Read my message below as a refresher.  I sent it a few days ago and it contains information about this course and readings for Wednesday. This blog will be a clearinghouse for things interesting (links, text, emphemera), but also, from … Continue reading

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